Online Training Course for VET staff

The course aims to spread the pedagogical practices learned, beyond the project’s partner staff.

Survival Toolkit for VET staff

A crowd-sourcing digital platform aiming at collecting adaptable resources starting from the teaching experience of VET partners.

STIT YouTube Channel

Resources for VET teachers, testimonials, short documentaries about STIT activities, and much, much more.

STIT promotes a "collective intelligence" which Pierre Levy summarizes with "nobody knows everything, everyone knows something".

Smart Tools for Inclusive Teaching

2 high-impact tools with high transferability potential

The purpose of the STIT project is to enhance both teachers and students: the teachers who need compasses, tools, and environment to operate at their best in the contemporary reality and students so that they can put the world they belong to (the technological one) at the service of their learning, with their skills and practices.